The overall objective of the SARABAND project is to push the boundaries of RF technology by developing high performance, smart, multi-beam, programmable and reconfigurable antennas containing miniaturized Q-band (40,5 - 43,5 GHz) radio technology to enable an energy efficient and high performance future wireless backhaul, as well as last mile access to bridge the digital divide.
Namely, the S&T SARABAND project objectives can be summarized as follows:
• To develop low-profile high-gain antennas in Q-band
• To develop Q-band multi-beam antennas with up to four beams of different beamwidth and programmable directions
• To implement Q-band high power radio front-end with MMICS on a smart (miniaturized) technology SIP (System in Package)
• Integration of antennas with radio heads to achieve a cost effective and compact solution
Orteh's company project was to design and create diffractive lenses with high performance and low reflectivity:
The innovative design of the optical element assumed the use of sub-wave solutions. They improve the performance of the lens (> 32dBi) while retaining its low profile. Thanks to that solution, the structure is more than three times thinner than similar refractive structures.
Structures have been successfully constructed and installed in fully functional systems: