SPACE - ERP System

SPACE is intended for comprehensive sales service in medium and large enterprises. From budget planning, through setting targets and base sales, to complex promotional campaigns and the process of their acceptance - SPACE supports and automates the work of users.
The modular design of the application allows its adaptation to the nature of the enterprise.


Pricing Policy

Application designed for planning and managing pricing policy of products. Thanks to the use of advanced algorithms for determining and controlling prices, it allows, depending on the user's decision, for partial or full automation of the company's price policy, also taking into account the competition offer.


Dedicated software

We create software that automates business processes, with a acceptance sequence and workflow personalized for the client's needs . Our applications minimize users' work and improve the flow of information within the company.
We actively participate in the entire application development process, from consultation through design, execution, implementation and support.


The IT Department creates software for the client's order and according to his individual needs.
We have created and continue to develop many highly specialized business applications. Our products are characterized by wide possibilities and at the same time simplicity of use.